Beacon High School

Beacon High School embarked on the iTIPS journey in 2019. The programme of whole school staff training and ongoing support from iTIPS helped the school to tie together previous training, in a structured and tangible way.

Relationships between pupils and staff have become a priority in this school, and the value of investing in time to foster positive relationships is recognised. Senior staff at school have a role in developing the confidence of staff to nurture, and at times repair, relationships with pupils. One impact is a reduction in time out of lessons from exclusion or internal isolation for the pupils, meaning they remain in school when they might otherwise have been excluded or moved to alternative provision.

Senior leaders at Beacon High understand that long lasting school-wide practice change does not happen quickly. Having weekly contacts with the iTIPS practitioner over the two years of the programme has been a vital aspect of the work done in school. Staff said that this programme provided effective training that balances theory in understanding child development, and practice to apply in schools. This helped to develop staff knowledge and skills, while also convincing those staff who might be harder to win over to a trauma-informed approach.

The development plan at Beacon High involved including attachment aware and trauma informed in the continuing professional development of staff, and also placing an importance on supporting staff wellbeing. These two ongoing school practices demonstrate to the wider staff body the commitment of the senior leadership to the trauma-informed approach, and ensures a consistent and sustainable implementation of trauma-informed practice.