Golcar Junior, Infants and Nursery

Golcar wanted pupils to experience school as a safe place, the whole-school approach to the MHST programme was beneficial to achieve that goal. Senior staff said that bringing whole-school change in this way ensured all staff had the same consistent message about the development journey of the school.

Impact from the training has been seen in the development of a common language and shared approach within school and with partners at multi-agency meetings. This school feels they are better able to present how they support pupils and find ways to collaborate with external professionals in their joint effort to support children and families.

For Golcar “supervision is key without a doubt”, supporting staff through reflective supervision led by the MHST programme staff allows school staff to discuss their practice and reflect on the impact of the work on them. Going forward Golcar want to upskill senior leaders to lead reflective supervision themselves to ensure this support for staff is sustainable. To embark on school-wide work they have found that senior leaders need to be open-minded, enable reflective practice among staff, and have high aspirations for all children in school.